Vision, Mission & Objectives of the Postgraduate Faculty


Become a superior faculty and have global competitiveness in the field of Science, Technology based on Information Technology, Communication (ICT) and Art and souled entrepreneur according to Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi.


  1. Organizing quality Masters and Doctoral education and teaching, superior in science, global insight and able to utilize science, technology-based technology Information, communication (ICT) and the art of making decisions effectively and efficiently for the benefit of organizations and communities that have a soul youth and entrepreneurs.
  2. Carry out superior research activities in various fields of science to produce findings – findings as a policy basis that makes resources to anticipate changes both on a national and international scale.
  3. Implement community service programs that involve active participation of academic sivitas as a form of social responsibility.


  1. Produce quality Masters and Doctoral graduates, who:
    • Able to develop knowledge, technology and art in their scientific fields or professional practice through research, to produce creative, innovative and tested works, intertwine to God Almighty, ethical through PIQIE culture (Professionalism, Integrity, Quality, Information Technology, Excellence), has a soul entrepreneur who is strong and superior in carrying out their duties and functions in the environment of national and global industrial societies.
    • Able to solve problems and develop science, technology and art in their scientific fields through an inter or multidisciplinary approach.
    • Able to manage research and development that is beneficial to society and science, and able to receive national and international recognition
  2. Produce research that can improve and update science, technology and art and utilize the results of research in the process of learning and community service by maintaining the quality and quality of education based on the principle “Quality is Our Tradition”.
  3. Become a centre for the development of science based on science, technology and art through PIQIE culture (Professionalism, Integrity, Quality, Information Technology, Excellence) that followed the times.